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Water Privatization

In a region holding 21% of the world’s fresh surface water, it is no surprise that corporations want to profit from the waters of the Great Lakes. Water privatization, where drinking or waste water systems are run or taken over by for-profit corporations, threatens the affordability and sovereignty of local communities.


At Freshwater Future, we are deeply committed to safeguarding the unique and vital water resources of our region. This commitment extends to opposing water privatization and advocating for community-driven solutions tailored to the needs of Great Lakes communities.

What is water privatization

Learn more about the threat of water privatization and protecting local governance

Tell the White House: Say NO to Privatization!

Public water systems are in JEOPARDY!

May 2024

Private, for-profit corporations are increasingly buying public water utilities across the United States. What is at stake when water systems are purchased by private companies? Affordable water, loss of public assets and local governance! Privately owned water systems on average charge 59 percent more than their publicly owned counterparts. This makes private ownership the single largest factor associated with higher water bills—more significant than aging infrastructure or drought. Public water utilities own significant assets, with decades or centuries of investment from tax-payers. Once a system is privatized, these investments are lost.

Sign this petition to tell your legislators, the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council, and President Biden that:

  • Water must remain under public control

  • Privatization has no place in the future of our water infrastructure

  • All recommendations to privatize the nation's water systems MUST NOT be acted upon!

Petition Has Been Sent!