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Water Councils

With Freshwater Future’s help, groups of people in many Great Lakes Communities are forming Community Water Councils to increase their knowledge and take the lead on water issues in their communities.

Water Councils are organizing and stepping up in cities and rural areas to ask critical questions about the safety and affordability of their drinking water. What is the condition of the pipes and infrastructure? Are the rates affordable for all residents? What treatment systems are in place to remove threats such as toxic algae or contaminants? What are the drinking water standards needed to keep our children safe?

The formation of Community Water Councils fits perfectly with Freshwater Future’s mission to be catalyst for community action that strengthens policies designed to safeguard the waters of the Great Lakes region. Since our inception, we have valued residents’ knowledge and abilities and we advocate for their solutions. Through our programs and services, we support Community Water Councils by:

  • Offering a structure to organize around water issues
  • Providing technical assistance on water issues and policies
  • Assisting with water testing and establishing Citizen Science programs
  • Networking of Water Councils and water advocates to share and learn from each other
  • Connecting Water Council leaders to elected officials and regulatory staff
  • Training and leadership development to advocate for changeFunding to support community solutions to improve water safety and access


Want to start a Water Council in your community? We’ll help you get one started!  Contact Kristen Haitaian,