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2018 Grant Recipients

Spring Project Grants

People’s Water Board Coalition Detroit

Amount: $1500

Project Title: Great Lakes Bi-National Strategic Meeting: Grassroots and Environmental Organizations for Water Rights

Project Description: The coalitions People’s Water Board and Water Is Life will organize a two-day meeting in Detroit to gather Michigan, Ontario and Quebec groups to plan and build toward solutions to shared concerns about water rights.

Women’s Healthy Environments Network

Amount: $1800

Project Title: Gender and Toxics

Project Description: As Canada reviews many of its environmental laws, through the Chemicals of Mutual Concern process, Women’s Healthy Environments Network will use their expertise in knowledge of vulnerable populations to help understand the role of toxics on health in the Great Lakes.

Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation

Amount: $2500

Project Title: Osceola Township Aquifer Monitoring Project

Project Description: Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation will use a digital acoustic groundwater monitoring system to measure groundwater levels where Nestle Waters is currently making water withdrawls. This data will provide baseline for measuring the impacts of withdrawl.

Genesee County Hispanic/Latino Collaborative

Amount: $3500

Project Title: Water Impact on Immigrants Event

Project Description: Genesee County Hispanic Latino Collaborative will bring together members of the Hispanic, Chinese and Arab communities of Flint. Together they will plan to address the blackout of information for immigrant populations – specifically in the case of the Flint Water Crisis – by creating a plan for information to be presented in many l language so that non English speaking populations can have access to the same information.

Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour

Amount: $1500

Project Title: GPS Pilot Project: Part of Demographic Study of Inner Harbour Turtle Habitat

Project Description: Through monitoring of turtles and their habitat along part of Kingston’s Inner Harbour shoreline, Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour will be able to provide more detailed information about their habitat and importance of protecting it from a shoreline development has been proposed.

Two Rivers Coalition

Amount: $1500

Project Title: Testing for E. coli to Support River Health

Project Description: Two Rivers Coalition will use grant funds for E. coli sampling to test potentially leaking septic systems. If they find leaking, they will be able to use data with the county health department to address proper septic inspection and the role of septic in contamination of streams.

Coalition to Save the Menominee River, Ltd

Amount: $2500

Project Title: Building Advocacy for the Protection of Fresh Water of the Menominee River

Project Description: Coalition to Save the Menominee River will use grant funds to provide information to people about threats ? potential mining activities ? to the Menominee River so that they may be knowledgeable to take action to protect the river.

Friends of the Black River Forest

Amount: $2500

Project Title: Saving Rare Lake Michigan Dunes and Wetlands

Project Description: Friends of the Black Forest will provide expert testimony and legal review for the preservation of a coastal wetland in Wisconsin from a proposed development.


Lake Erie Collective Grants

Tides Canada Initiative Society

Amount: $22000

Project Title: The 2018 Lake Erie Collective Campaign

Project Description: Canadian Freshwater Alliance – a project of Tides Canada Initiatives Society – is working with Freshwater Future Canada and Environmental Defence in implementing an education and engagement strategy to build public momentum for action on Lake Erie in Ontario.

Freshwater Future Canada

Amount: $22000

Project Title: The Lake Erie Collective’s 2018 Campaign

Project Description: Freshwater Future Canada is working with Canadian Freshwater Alliance and Environmental Defence in implementing an education and engagement strategy to build public momentum for action on Lake Erie in Ontario.

Environmental Defence Canada

Amount: $26000

Project Title: The Lake Erie Collective’s 2018 Campaign

Project Description: Environmental Defence is working with Canadian Freshwater Alliance and Freshwater Future Canada in implementing an education and engagement strategy to build public momentum for action on Lake Erie in Ontario.

Fall Project Grants

Black Autonomy Network Community Organization

Amount: $1200

Project Title: Water ambassadors: Planning a Multigenerational Experiential Community Engagement Advocacy for Wellness Campaign

Project Description: Grant funds will be used to assist with stipends for participants in the creation of an awareness and bas-building campaign with a goal of creating lifelong commitments to water responsibility and community advocacy.

Hold Erie Coke Accountable

Amount: $1500

Project Title: Citizen Engagement to Protect Community & Lake Erie Coke NPDES Permit Renewal

Project Description: Hold Erie Coke Accountable will engage the local community for an upcoming public hearing by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection on Erie Cokes Inc’s Renewal application for the air and water quality permits. Their efforts will help educate citizens and encourage them to participate.

Seneca Lake Guardian

Amount: $1750

Project Title: Coal Ash Discharge into Seneca and Cayuga Lakes

Project Description: Seneca Lake Guardians will use grant funds to help conduct groundwater monitoring around two coal ash landfills for all of the EPA required testing for chemicals and radioactivity. They will report to the public as well as be involved in commenting on the pending SPDES and landfill permits for one of the two coal ash landfills.

Protect Our Moraine

Amount: $2000

Project Title: Phase 3 of the Clair-Maltby Secondary Plan – Citizen Engagement for a greener Plan
Project Description: As part of the City of Guelph’s Clair-Malby Secondary Plan to layout residential designs for its last remaining greenfield, Protect Our Moraine will use grant funds to support innovative, low impact design that minimize the disruption of the groundwater and preserve ecological functions.


Amount: $1000

Project Title: Oppose PolyMet Sulfide Mine Permits

Project Description: WaterLegacy will use funding to protect Lake Superior and the Boundary Waters from mining impacts. They will engage citizens through tabling, media and contract to participate appealing DNR Permits.

Special Opportunity Grants

Flint Neighborhoods United

Amount: $5000

Project Title: Flint Youth Water Testing Program

Project Description: Flint Neighborhoods United will use grant funds to cover volunteer educator stipends for filter education for the Flint Youth Water Testing Program.

Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve

Amount: $300

Project Title: Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve Support for River Rally

Project Description: Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve staff will attending River Rally to learn more gain tools to help preserve their watershed through the wild and scenic designation.

Genesee County Hispanic/Latino Collaborative

Amount: $3500

Project Title: Genesee County Hispanic/Latino Collaborative Special Opportunity Grant

Project Description: Genesee County Hispanic/Latino Collaborative will use fund to cover operational support to continue to provide water for Flint residents.

Freshwater Future

Amount: $2418.59

Project Title: Flight Support for Great Lakes Days and Women In Leadership Conference

Project Description: Freshwater Future provided scholarships to cover the costs of flights for the attendees of both Great Lakes Days and the Women’s Leadership Conference.

Water is Life

Amount: $500

Project Title: Water is Life Festival

Project Description: Funding will support Water is Life’s Festival on September 1, 2018 to both raise awareness and provide an opportunity for citizens to learn about threats to the Great lakes waters and what they can do to help.

Grosse Ile Nature & Land Conservancy

Amount: $500

Project Title: Informing Grosse Ile Residents about Coal Tar Ban

Project Description: Grant funds awarded to help cover expenses associated with mailing a postcard to residents. The goal is to inform residents that Grosse Ile Township imposed a ban on the use of coal tar as a pavement sealant and to outline the penalties and alternatives to protect their water and health.

Flint Development Center

Amount: $2500

Project Title: Transportation Support for Flint Youth Water Testing

National Wildlife Federation

Amount: $1450

Project Title: Women In Conservation Sponsorship

Coaching and Consulting Grants

Cool Learning Experience

Grant Amount: $3000

Grant Title: Coaching and Consulting – Succession and Fundraising

Kalamazoo River Watershed Council

Grant Amount: $3000

Grant Title: Coaching and Consulting – Strategic Plan

Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust

Grant Amount: $1500

Grant Title: Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust Strategic Planning Continued

Great Lakes Environmental Alliance

Grant Amount: $1500

Grant Title: Great Lakes Environmental Alliance Structural and Financial Planning Assistance

All About Water Leadership Groups

Grant Amount: $1000

Grant Title: Water Affordability and Infrastructure Sessions for the Healing Our Waters Conference

Couchiching Conservancy

Grant Amount: $1500

Grant Title: Couchiching Conservancy Coaching and Consulting Grant

People’s Water Board Coalition Detroit

Grant Amount: $1050

Grant Title: People’s Water Board 501c3 Application

Couchiching Conservancy

Grant Amount: $750

Grant Title: Couchiching Conservancy Volunteer Outreach Assistance

Flint Development Center, Genesee County Hispanic Latino Collaborative

Grant Amount: $25000

Grant Title: Flint Youth Water Testing Program and Community Lab

Black Autonomy Network Community Organization

Grant Amount: $4000

Grant Title: Residential Water Testing for Lead Training

We the People Detroit

Grant Amount: $10000

Grant Title: Training for youth to collect water samples for lead

Several Community Groups

Grant Amount: $3500

Grant Title: Webinars on Creating Communications and Connections to Win, Grant Writing Training, and Funder Communications Webinars

BIG, Blacks in Green

Grant Amount: $3500

Grant Title: Board training, financial management

Several Canadian Community Groups

Grant Amount: $4000

Grant Title: Needs assessment and readiness for consulting services

Great Lakes Network Grants

Hold Erie Coke Accountable

Amount: $1000

Project Title: Erie Coke Title V Permit Review

Project Description: Hold Erie Coke Accountable will use grant funds to complete community Surveys and work with members of the community to educate people on the reporting violations as Erie Coke heads into the renewal process for the Title V Operating Permit.