Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Challenging Water Withdrawal Permit with Science and Legalities
Project Description: Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation is challenging a water bottling company’s water withdrawal permit using legal avenues and technical data from hydrologists to prevent impacts to surface waters and the aquifer.
Coalition to Save the Menominee River, Ltd
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Let’s Talk About Advocacy for Freshwater
Project Description: The Coalition to Save the Menominee River will continue legal challenges to a proposed sulfide mine adjacent to the Menominee River to protect this vital resource in Wisconsin and Michigan. The Let’s Talk About Advocacy project will engage downstream communities to learn about the threats to the Menominee River and Green Bay from the proposed mine and engagement opportunities.
Wellington Water Watchers
Amount: $3000
Project Title: The People’s Water Convention: Addressing threats to water security in Ontario
Project Description: Funding will be used to build grassroots leadership and advocate policy change through ten community assemblies. The funds will support community hearing events and generation of supporting materials which will culminate with a one day event proclaimed as “Declaration on the Climate Emergency and Water Protection”. The Collaboration among these community groups will create a grassroots network to provide sustained mobilization for provincial policies that support water protection into the future.
Amount: $4000
Project Title: Stop PolyMet Water Pollution Permit
Project Description: WaterLegacy’s project seeks to both secure court rulings on improper procedures used by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to develop and approve the PolyMet NPDES water pollution permit and to overturn PolyMet’s water pollution permit so that PolyMet is back at square one.
Blue Mountain Watershed Trust Foundation
Amount: $3500
Project Title: Protect Critical habitat of Species at Risk Turtles in the Silver Creek Wetland
Project Description: Blue Mountain Watershed Trust Foundation plans to use the funds to hire a turtle expert to recommend habitat limits for the endangered Spotted Turtle and the threatened Blanding’s Turtle, as well as an environmental consultant to provide guidance on the impact of the doubling density. There will also be a publicity campaign outlining the threat to the wetlands.
Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Increasing River Setbacks and Buffer Zones in the Yellow Dog Watershed
Project Description: Project will take a two-pronged approach to the problems caused from residential development in the Yellow Dog Watershed in Marquette County in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The group will advocate for increased setback requirements in 3 of 4 townships within which the watershed is located. Current setbacks vary from 50 to 100 feet from the high water mark and fail to recognize the river’s natural tendency to move, especially after high water events. They will develop materials and programs to educate landowners themselves about the value of buffer zones, both to protect their property from erosion and to preserve wildlife and fish habitat.
Families Reclaiming Our Environment
Amount: $1750
Project Title: Families Reclaiming Our Environment
Project Description: Funds granted would be used for advocating for a safer and healthier environment from local crude oil and natural gas facilities. Specific project goals include: ground and water testing to verify if local area and local waterway may have been contaminated.
Kentakee Athletic & Social Clubs
Amount: $1000
Project Title: The Michigan-Annual Imagine A Day Without Water Virtual Event
Project Description: The Great Lakes Network Grant is needed to continue the work by participating in a virtual event ” Michigan-Imagine A Day Without Water”, as well as, providing much needed bottled water for Flint residents.
Benton Harbor Water Council
Amount: $700
Project Title: Youth and Citizen Science in Action
Project Description: The youth of the Benton Harbor Water Council are working together to learn the workforce of the water sector and be prepared to assist with resolving the local water hardships of their community.
Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation
Amount: $2000
Project Title: Newsletter and Publicizing EGLE decision
Project Description: Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation will utilize funds for newsletter and other costs to publicize the EGLE decision to grant Nestle an increased pump permit.
The Junction Coalition
Amount: $5000
Project Title: Water Affordability and Community Welfare
Project Description: The Junction Coalition will seek the investment of stakeholders, and has adopted the mantra-“do nothing to us without us”-, as well as public deliberation is essential to water and democracy.
Benton Harbor Water Council
Amount: $2000
Project Title: Fall Investment
Project Description: The funds will be utilized to provide stipends to seven of the working young people that have actively participated in water filter distribution, community engagement, education, and advocacy.
Concerned Citizens of Butler and Beyond
Amount: $500
Project Title: Sewage Sludge Facility Defense and Public Awareness Campaign
Project Description: This grant may only be expended to fund the group’s work to inform citizens and elected officials of the inherent threat to toxic sewage sludge to fresh water resources, and the health and well-being of humans.
The Junction Coalition
Amount: $22500
Project Title: COVID-19 Junction Coalition
Project Description: Support for COVID-19. Food services to families in need. Access to water and assistance when it’s been disconnected. Masks and PPE. Transportation to deliver food and water. Zoom to disseminate info. Providing basic hygiene needs. Paying initial fees to Comcast for families who don’t have access to WiFi. Provide monetary assistance to families who have lost job/layoff. Purchase laptops to loan for schoolwork and needed applications. And stipends to volunteers who are displaced.
The Junction Coalition
Amount: $500
Project Title: Partnering to Educate Potential Decision-Makers on Water Affordability
Project Description: The funds will be utilized for water programming.
We The People of Detroit
Amount: $90000
Project Title: 2020 General Operating
Project Description: This grant is a general operating grant for supporting the work of We the People of Detroit.
Big Flower Creek Associates
Amount: $500
Project Title: 2020 Flower Water Monitoring Project
Project Description: The Big Flower Creek Associates (BFCA) have enough funds to complete MST analyses for the June and July/August samples, and need to raise $618.00 to conduct all desired MST analyses for the October testing. They have three goals for determining the water quality. They will provide all water monitoring data to EGLE. They will provide the E. coli and MST data to the local Muskegon County Health Department. And long term, develop a Flower Creek watershed organization with the health department, EGLE, concerned citizens, and local farmers.
Benton Harbor Water Council
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Supporting Benton Harbor Community Water Council
Project Description: This grant may will support Benton Harbor Community Water Council in generating capacity for grassroots operations and making reliable sources of education while providing compensation for those dedicated to its implementation.
Benton Harbor Water Council
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Operating Expenses
Project Description: General operating support for Benton Harbor Community Water Council.
Benton Harbor Water Council
Amount: $697
Project Title: Ensure Water Access and Security
Project Description: This grant is to ensure water access and security in the city of Benton Harbor including support to host educational virtual events for cultural competence, citizen science and water advocacy.
Genesee County Hispanic/Latino Collaborative
Amount: $500
Project Title: Supporting Undocumented Immigrants in Flint
Chicago Community Water Council
Amount: $5000
Project Title: Building a Community Water Council
Project Description: Jeff Whitelow will provide education, advocacy, and information for water security and access with local, state, and federal organizations to ensure water equity.
Evergreen Community Development Initiative
Amount: $4935.97
Project Title: Cooled Chiller
Project Description: This grant will be providing funding for lead testing equipment for the Flint Community Lab to provide no cost testing to residents.
Northeast-Midwest Institute
Amount: $22500
Project Title: Advancing Awareness and Knowledge of Water Affordability Crisis in the Region
Project Description: A new water affordability initiative at the Northeast-Midwest Institute is focusing on selected cities in the Great Lakes region, beginning with Buffalo, NY, Chicago, IL, Cleveland, OH, and Detroit, MI, as well as other cities to be identified as the focuus of the research. By drawing a more direct connection between the decline in federal funding and the increase in water rates, and then on exploring the implications for consumers of unaffordable water, and by producing this research focused on specific cities, the Northeast-Midwest Institute will be better positioned to educate members of Congress and consumers on the need to increase the federal government’s role in solving this water affordability crisis. NEMWI aims to establish a policy education and member engagement program centered on the issue of water affordability in the Northeast and Midwest Regions and also to reach and engage a broader audience of consumers who are interested in the water affordability issue.
Minnesota Environmental Partnership
Amount: $22500
Project Title: Clean, Safe, Affordable: Strengthening public support for public water infrastru
Project Description: A new water affordability initiative at the Northeast-Midwest Institute is focusing on selected cities in the Great Lakes region, beginning with Buffalo, NY, Chicago, IL, Cleveland, OH, and Detroit, MI, as well as other cities to be identified as the focuus of the research. By drawing a more direct connection between the decline in federal funding and the increase in water rates, and then on exploring the implications for consumers of unaffordable water, and by producing this research focused on specific cities, the Northeast-Midwest Institute will be better positioned to educate members of Congress and consumers on the need to increase the federal government’s role in solving this water affordability crisis. The proposed communications work will endeavor to utilize media outreach, social media, and on-line programs such as policy webinars to disseminate critical policy information on water affordability. The goal will be to reach new audiences with research findings, to develop a database of interested individuals and organizations, and to engage this audience in the new water affordability program.
The Freshwater Lab
Amount: $22500
Project Title: The Water Belt: Reimagining Water and Industry in the Great Lakes Basin
Project Description: In the name of transforming decaying factories, Areas of Concern, and segregated cities into places that showcase adaptation to Climate Change, the Water Belt project begins by reclassifying wastewater as a valuable, productive element.
Midwest Environmental Advocates
Amount: $22500
Project Title: PFAS Citizen Call-to-Action: Campaign to Demand Municipal Testing for PFAS
Project Description: Midwest Environmental Advocates (MEA) proposes to work with partner organizations and engaged citizens throughout Wisconsin to demand that local and state regulators take action to address the contamination of our natural resources with per- and polyflour
Ohio Environmental Council
Amount: $22500
Project Title: Elevating and Engaging the Public on Issues of Water Affordability
Project Description: The Ohio Environmental Council seeks communications technical assistance to elevate and engage the public on water affordability issues. These issues are prevalent in both urban and rural communities and exacerbated by outdated water infrastructure.
Clean Wisconsin
Amount: $22500
Project Title: Creating a Path toward Sustainable Farming Practices and a Clean Water Future
Project Description: Clean Wisconsin will continue expanding the work we have already started toward new statewide rules to reduce nitrate pollution and push for bold, innovative clean water investments in the 2021 State Budget. We will use content marketing tactics to appeal
Environmental Advocates of New York
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Drinking Water Policy Across the Great Lakes Cross Pollination
Project Description: Participation in five calls to discuss state drinking water policies and regulations moving and opportunities.
Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition
Amount: $4000
Project Title: Protecting Canada’s best watershed-based legislation at Lake Simcoe
Project Description: For the past year and a half, the Rescue Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (LSPP) strong during its statutory provincial review, which was legislated in 2019. The LSPP is the best watershed-based legislation in Canada; it protects Lake Simcoe’s shorelines and rivers, improves on past national heritage protections, and has aggressive water quality targets to address the lake’s phosphorus pollution and other problems. The LSPP is the result of a campaign we spearheaded in 2005 in partnership with Ontario Nature, Environmental Defense and the Ladies of the Lake. We are seeking financial support to pay core staff to extend our “Protect Our Plan” campaign to the end of 2020.
Canadian Environmental Law Foundation
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Working Together Binationally for a Toxics Free Great Lakes
Project Description: Our purpose is to work with environmental and other groups throughout the Great Lakes basin to push for actions that achieve the commitments that the Canadian and U.S. federal governments made in 2012 on toxic substances in the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA). Our particular focus is on ensuring use of the guiding principles in the Agreement of zero discharge, virtual elimination prevention, precautionary approach, and polluter responsibility. In line with this is our purpose of implementation of innovative approaches such as “informal substitution” and alternative assessments to completely avoid the use of toxic substances.
Ontario Headwaters
Amount: $1500
Project Title: Scan of Ontario Watershed Management Practices
Project Description: Research and Scan to be done in June/July, 2020. Share with US and host three webinars in September/October 2020.
Fair Housing Opportunities of Northwest Ohio
Amount: $4000
Project Title: Legal and Technical Support to Ensure Equitable Access to Water in Toledo
Project Description: Like many cities, Toledo faces an escalating crisis in water affordability. Toledo residents, especially low-income and minority communities, feel a growing need to advocate for affordable and clean water services. This pattern mirrors other Midwest cities like Detroit, Chicago, and Cleveland. Now, a grass roots community coalition has formed to advocate for transparency and equitable access to clean, save, and affordable water services in Toledo. This coalition would benefit from technical and legal support to coalesce their goals into specific demands for data on water shut-offs and affordability, and through data analysis, real changes to local laws to protect water consumers. The Fair Housing Center uses its technical and legal skills to advocate for civil rights for minority and low-income communities in Toledo. In close collaboration and coordination with the community, the Fair Housing Center will apply its skills to support and empower the community by drafting public records requests to obtain data and changes to local laws that reflect the community’s goals.
Michigan Environmental Council
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Drinking Water Policy Across the Great Lakes Cross Pollination
Project Description: Participate in five calls to discuss state drinking water policies and regulations moving and opportunities. Also a written update and call about what groups in organization’s respective state should see in the coming year to address drinking water issues.
Ohio Environmental Council
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Drinking Water Policy Across the Great Lakes Cross Pollination
Project Description: Participate in five calls to discuss state drinking water policies and regulations moving and opportunities. Also a written update and call about what groups in organization’s respective state should expect to see in the coming year to address drinking water issues.
Clean Wisconsin
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Drinking Water Policy Across the Great Lakes Cross Pollination
Project Description: Participate in five calls to discuss state drinking water policies and regulations moving and opportunities. Also a written update and call about what groups in organization’s respective state should expect to see in the coming year to address drinking water issues.
Lake Erie Waterkeeper
Amount: $3000
Project Title: CAFO/Manure changes in areas of concentration in the Great Lakes
Project Description: This project would use the template from the EWG/ELPC CAFO/Manure changes in the Lake Erie Maumee Watershed from 2005 through 2018 for Saginaw Bay, West Michigan, Green Bay, and other areas of large numbers of CAFO’s in the Great Lakes using a tool created by ELPC that uses satellite and other technology to determine the number of facilities, the number of animals, and the amount of manure, and the amount of phosphorous produced.
Minnesota Environmental Partnership
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Drinking Water Policy Across the Great Lakes Across Pollination
Project Description: Participate in five calls to discuss state drinking water policies and regulations moving and opportunities. Also a written update and call about what groups in organization’s respective state should expect to see in the coming year to address drinking water issues.
Hoosier Environmental Council
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Drinking Water Policy Across the Great Lakes Cross Pollination
Project Description: Participate in five calls to discuss state drinking water policies and regulations moving forward and opportunities as well as a written update and call about what groups in organization’s respective state should expect to see in the coming year to address drinking water issues.
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