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Freshwater Future is responding to the needs of our community groups by providing an opportunity to improve their communications to donors, supporters, volunteers, and action takers with the ability to track all of those communications. The project is focused on providing the critical behind-the-scenes tools to help groups more efficiently and effectively communicate about their goals, projects and results through the use of integrated databases and websites.

These systems allow grant recipients to:
• encourage people to subscribe for newsletters and information directly through a website,
• accept online donations and purchases, and have that information automatically recorded in a database,
• gather information from database needed for grant or organizational reporting
• manage supporter interests and information to encourage participation in calls to action,
• track website statistics and e-mail success, and
• build a stronger voice for their important issues as well as a strong voice for water!

We are excited to be working with these groups and expect to help additional organizations in the future. If you would like help with your tech and communications, contact us for our consulting/coaching services or look for future grant opportunities.

Program Recipients

Benton Harbor Community Water Council

Chicago Water Alliance

Junction Coalition

Michigan PFAS Alliance

Water Walkers

We the People of Detroit

Wisdom Institute