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Special Opportunity Grants

The Special Opportunity Grants Program (Emergency Grants) provides small grants for water protection efforts that may not coincide with the application timeline or grant period for the Project Grants Program.

There is no cycle deadline for this program

Freshwater Future maintains a reserve to support urgent projects or those that present a special, time-limited opportunity.  Although the eligibility, overarching goal, priority program areas, and evaluation criteria are the same as the regular grants programs, Special Opportunity Grant (SOG) requests are processed differently to ensure a quick turnaround. The maximum award amount for this grant program is $750.

Click here to determine your eligibility.

*United States applicants that do not have 501(c)(3) tax status or Ontario applicants that are not registered charities governed by the Charities Accounting Act must have a sponsoring 501(c)(3) organization or registered charity.

Please provide a one-page description of your project explaining how these funds will be used. Send this letter to Laurie,

Please include the following information in your letter:

Name and Organization

Address, City, State, Zip, Country


Project description

Amount of funding requested (Special Opportunity Grants – up to $750 USD

Attach a copy of your 501(c)(3) letter

*If your organization does not 501(c)(3) tax status (US) or are not registered charities governed by the Charities Accounting Act (Ontario) then you must have a sponsoring 501(c)(3) organization or registered charity. If you are using a fiscal sponsor please include their contact information in the letter.

Funds will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.  Although preference is given to requests made prior to the expenditure of project funds, “after the fact” funding requests will be considered if the request is made within one month of the expenditure

The Freshwater Future staff will review applications, seek input if necessary, and render a decision within two weeks of receipt of complete request. Payment will be made within four weeks of approval. Within one month of completion of the funded activity, the grant recipient must submit a one-page written report that briefly documents the actual expenses incurred, activities performed, and the outcomes.