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Great Lakes Network

The Great Lakes Network (GLN) supports a collaborative approach to advancing water policy in the Great Lakes region. The GLN acts as a web of support that expands across jurisdictional borders to identify opportunities and address threats. It engages people and organizations in creative, collaborative actions to leverage new perspectives and backgrounds that expand our thinking and provoke new ways of seeing problems and identifying solutions. Diverse viewpoints lead to breakthroughs and innovation.

It’s All About Collaboration!

Check out the Great Lakes Network website for more information.

Go to GLN Now!

Does your organization work to protect and restore Great Lakes waters? Do you see value in collaborating with other groups with the same interests? The Great Lakes Network works to protect and restore water in the Great Lakes region by providing a structure for diverse, independent groups to collaborate, share tools and information, and take coordinated action. We believe that by working together, we can achieve more.


At nearly 50 organizations strong, the Great Lakes Network allows your organization to:

  • Gain access to the knowledge and expertise of others

  • Support collaboration through building support for your ideas with fellow advocates

  • Access tools, funding, and services

  • Work together to take coordinated action on specific issues such as Lake Erie nutrients.


Joining is easy! Membership in the Great Lakes Network is open to all non-governmental organizations, funders, indigenous groups and
individuals whose work is aligned with advancing Great Lakes policy and are sponsored by a current member.

To inquire about becoming a member, please email Alana Honaker at