Great Lakes Day: Federal Decision Makers Educated on Mining, Algal Blooms, and Public Access Issues Freshwater Future and Community Partners Fly in for Great Lakes Day!

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Great Lakes Day, an annual day to speak with Congress about the importance of the Great Lakes happened on March 7th this year, and Freshwater Future staff and members were there. 

Kathleen Heideman, board member of Mining Action Group, had officials consider the destructive cumulative impacts of the increased mining pressures around Lake Superior. Sandy Bihn, the celebrated leader of Lake Erie Waterkeeper, pushed for nutrient source reduction associated with Lake Erie’s devastating Harmful Algal Blooms. Jaime Cross, lifelong advocate for the Great Lakes informed officials about the need to protect and enhance public access when cleaning up the Great Lakes’ Areas of Concern. 

The Freshwater Future delegation met with elected officials to share their stories from across the region. Beyond discussing mining, nutrients, and public access, the team created an overview to further educate elected officials on Great Lakes water justice priorities that you can read below. 

Thank you to Jaime, Sandy, and Kathleen for your tireless work to protect our communities and lakes!