Lake Erie Celebrated As Part of #WeAreLakeErieDay
#WeAreLakeErieDay was trending on social media this week from people sharing their memories and appreciation for Lake Erie. While there is much to celebrate about Lake Erie, the lake also needs our help as it is plagued by harmful algal blooms. These blooms are caused by nutrient pollution, primarily from agricultural runoff. Lake Erie deserves our support and protection! A couple of our favorite posts are shared below, and you can dive deeper into issues impacting Lake Erie by checking out this blog post!

Speak Out on Drinking Water Issues at Upcoming Public Hearings
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Environment (EGLE) is holding two important public hearings next week.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program
The first hearing will accept public comments on definitions to identify “overburdened communities” and scoring criteria to prioritize projects for both the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs. The public hearing is Thurs., Sept. 8, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. To attend via Zoom, join online at the time of the meeting at If you would like to join by phone only, please use the following phone number: 636-651-3142, and use conference code 374288. Check your mailbox early next week for an update from Freshwater Future with our concerns.
Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act and Public Health Code
EGLE and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) will host a series of discussions on how to improve the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Public Health Code to strengthen protections of the public’s health through the delivery of clean, safe water. The first session will be held on September 7, from 6-8 pm and the second session is scheduled for September 12, from 10 am to noon. You can register for either session by clicking the following link or going to the website,
Take Five Minutes to Guide Freshwater Future’s Strategic Planning Process
Your opinion matters. Freshwater Future is working on a new Strategic Plan to guide our work for the coming 3 years. These plans ensure we align our short and long-term goals strategically based on the needs of our members and partners. Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback to the process by answering some quick questions here.
Water is Life Festival–Saturday, September 3