Freshwater Future Weekly: June 3, 2022

This Week: Registration Deadline Extended Until June 10th for All About Water Virtual Event; Benton Harbor Community Marches For Clean Water; Meet One of Our Spring Project Grantees: Environment North; Freshwater Future Receives Funding for the Great Lakes Network from the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation; Pivotal Hearing Day for Fond Du Lac Band’s Efforts to Protect Lake Superior

Registration Deadline Extended Until June 10th for All About Water Virtual Event! 

Don’t miss out on the upcoming All About Water Virtual Event, June 22. With a lineup of experts with diverse perspectives, we will share what you need to know about accessing federal funding to improve your community’s drinking system.  Learn more about the speakers here:

  • Jonathan Nelson, Senior Advisor for Technical Assistance and Community Engagement to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water 
  • Eric Pocan & Paul McDonald, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy
  • Jason Cole, Michigan Minority Contractors Association 
  • Nicholas Leonard, Great Lakes Environmental Law Center.

Deadline has been extended until June 10th, sign-up today and share with your friends!

Benton Harbor Community Marches For Clean Water

This past weekend, Freshwater Future Environmental Fellow, Anna Bunting attended a march in Benton Harbor Michigan, to bring attention to the elevated lead in drinking water in the community.  The participants heard from several speakers, including Reverend Pinkney of the Benton Harbor Community Water Council. Read more about the march in Anna’s blog post here! 

Meet One of Our Spring Project Grantees: Environment North

Protecting waters in the Great Lakes from mining pollution, nuclear waste, water withdrawals are just a few of the worthy and ambitious efforts that received Project Grants from Freshwater Future this spring.  One of the grant recipients, Environment North, is working in northwestern Ontario on a campaign to protect waters and improve decision making around safe transportation and handling of nuclear waste using science as the foundation. Congratulations to all the Spring Project Grant awardees. View the full list of 2022 grantees on our website. 

Freshwater Future Receives Funding for the Great Lakes Network from the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation

Freshwater Future believes that by working together, we can achieve more. The binational Great Lakes Network provides a structure for diverse, independent groups to collaborate, share tools and information, and take coordinated action. Thanks to funding from the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation, the Great Lakes Network, coordinated by Freshwater Future, can continue their impactful work to address oil and gas pipelines, toxic pollution, drinking water safety and affordability, harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie, mining impacts and much more. To learn more visit:

Pivotal Hearing Day for Fond Du Lac Band’s Efforts to Protect Lake Superior 

When a proposed mine in Minnesota received a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to destroy wetlands during construction, The Fond Du Lac Band of Lake Superior stepped in and objected to the permit, leading to a battle in court. A recent hearing revealed a new recommendation from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, stating that the Corps should not reissue the suspended wetland permit based on evidence that the permit would not protect the Fond Du Lac Band’s waters and the resources they depend on to live. We encourage you to continue weigh-in against this permit. You can click here to send the message directly to the US. Army Corps of Engineers.