NOW OUT!: Freshwater Voices Newsletter Issue 3
Check-out our latest issue of 2022 Freshwater Voices Newsletter, where we reflect on the Clean Water Act and highlight how Freshwater Future grant recipients are protecting waters around the Great Lakes region. Click this link to view the online version.

Give the Gift of Safe and Clean Water with Your Year-End Gift Today!
Imagine the impact you could have with a year-end gift today to bring people one step closer to having clean and safe water across the Great Lakes Region. You can ensure a brighter future and help make lasting change for our region through your financial support today at this link. No gift is too big or too small! Thank you for your generosity.

State of Ohio to Create “Pollution Diet” for Lake Erie
A court order is requiring the state of Ohio to develop a draft plan for curbing algae-fueling nutrient pollution entering Lake Erie by December 31, 2022. This plan includes developing a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), also known as a “pollution diet”, in order to stop further pollution from degrading water quality. Enforceable phosphorus pollution standards are an important element of the TMDL. The primary source of pollution has been well documented in numerous studies. You can share your support for strong pollution standards to improve the health of Lake Erie. Public comments are accepted until December 12, visit this page to submit.
Take Action: Encourage Your Community to Focus on the Rising Cost of Water
What are YOUR local officials and water system doing to protect your community other than hiking the rates again and again? Options your community has for moving toward affordable water include:
Applying to State Revolving Fund grants and loans to pay for water system upgrades
Creating a water affordability program for low-income families
Investing in cost-saving energy upgrades
Applying for grant opportunities
2023 State Revolving Fund Application Due Dates and Grant Opportunities
Illinois: March 31; Grants
Indiana: April 1 for early submission points; May 1 Final deadline; Grants
Michigan: June 1; Grants
Minnesota: Early April; Grants
New York: Mid-June; Grant 1, Grant 2
Ohio: Early March, Grant 1, Grant 2
Pennsylvania: February 1; May 3; TBD; TBD; Grants 1, Grants 2
Wisconsin: September 30 if needing financial assistance; Oct 31 Final deadline; Grants
Make your voice heard and tell your local government to keep water safe, accessible, and affordable with these solutions!