Join Us Next Week on April 10th for Our Freshwater Heroes Celebration!
You are invited to the 20th Annual Freshwater Heroes Celebration on Wednesday, April 10th at noon (ET)! Join us for this fun celebration to honor the people, organizations, and communities throughout the Great Lakes Region committed to protecting our region’s precious freshwater resources. This live virtual celebration is open to the public.

Win! Mining Company Withdraws Lease Application
A mining company withdrew a mineral lease application for approximately 406 acres that contains high quality waters and habitat for threatened and endangered species in the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Since 2017, Freshwater Future has worked with local advocates including Coalition to SAVE the Menominee River, Inc. to ensure that this open-pit mine does not destroy sacred waters and precious habitat. Thanks to all of you who submitted comments to urge the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to request a strict classification of the lease. We will continue to ensure that these wetlands and their biodiversity are protected and we will keep you informed with any more updates.
Thank you to Our Volunteers and Supporters at Grand Rapids Gold Season Finale Game!
A huge shout out and thanks to our incredible volunteers Jamie Cross and Deborah Peabody who joined Freshwater Future staff at the Grand Rapids Gold Season Finale game this past Saturday for the 50/50 raffle with proceeds going to Freshwater Future. Your time and energy made the fun night a success! Thanks to the Grand Rapids Gold team, staff, and fans and Founder’s Brewing for their support and generosity. Thank you also to everyone who bid on special edition jerseys featuring Freshwater Future’s logo!

Join Us at the Great Lakes Harmful Algae Conference – Registration is Open
Harmful algal blooms are increasing across the Great Lakes region, causing health impacts from breathing in the toxins or touching the impacted waters, and in some cases having shut down water systems completely. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations’ (CAFOs) manure is a leading contributor to the excess nutrients causing these blooms. You’re invited to join Lake Erie Waterkeeper and Freshwater Future to network on this issue, learn from experts, see CAFOs and more at this conference in Toledo, OH, May 1-2, 2024. Virtual attendance is also available. Please join us to learn more from experts and network with Great Lakes advocates on this important issue. Please register by Monday, April 8th
Event Schedule:
Bus Tour – Wednesday, May 1, 2 pm ET
Dinner Boat Cruise – Wednesday, May 1, 5 pm ET
Conference – Wednesday, May 2, 8:30 am – 3 pm ET

April 25th – Register for Freshwater Future’s New Mindfulness and Movement Monthly Wellness Sessions
Water protectors (that’s you!) are under a lot of stress in the fight to protect the people and waters of the Great Lakes. We see you, we appreciate you, and we invite you to a dedicated space to heal our hearts, minds, and bodies. Our facilitator, Jonathan Relucio, is a skilled practitioner of trauma-informed mindfulness, yoga, and meditation with over 20 years of experience advocating for social justice. Please join us for monthly wellness-focused sessions starting April 25th at 11:30 am ET. Sessions will run for 45 minutes. Please pre-register and we hope to see you!