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Coaching & consulting

Coaching is rated as the most effective tool for nonprofit leaders to develop their skills and strengthen their organizations. With our combined 100+ years of experience, Freshwater Future has been helping grassroots groups achieve success since 1996.


We provide expertise in strategic planning to help you map out a clear path to achieving your goals and implementing them. Look below for more examples of what we can help with.

Board Development

Empower your board to lead, fundraise, and help set policies

Fundraising Training

Establish realistic fundraising goals, develop & implement a fundraising strategy

Marketing Strategy

Develop a communications strategy to work across print, website, and social media

Advocacy Strategy

Identify key milestones to benchmark success & develop a step-by-step approach to win on your issue

Nonprofit Registration

Get guidance to submit state paperwork & assistance with your federal application to IRS for nonprofit status

Finance Assistance

Learn how to create a budget, get help setting up bookkeeping and creating & reading reports

Succession Planning

Identify steps to build leadership throughout your organization & develop plans for staff and board succession

Membership Planning

Develop a strategy to engage members and generate revenue