Join Us in Benton Harbor for the All About Water Convening on October 4th, 2023 – Registration Closes on August 31st
Register now for the Fall 2023 All About Water Convening before registration closes on August 31st! We will be in person for the first time since the pandemic and we are so excited for everyone to join us in Benton Harbor, Michigan on October 4th. Our Steering Committee has prepared a day of conversations about funding for water infrastructure and the threats facing our drinking water. Register here to join us and view the agenda. We can’t wait to see you there!

Chemical Manufacturer BASF Pollutes the Detroit River for 43 Years Without Regulation
For 43 years, chemical manufacturer BASF has been discharging up to 72,000 gallons of toxic waste-contaminated groundwater a day from its Wyandotte plant into the Detroit River, despite orders from state regulators and the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) to stop. The pollution, containing hazardous chemicals like mercury, benzene, cyanide, PFAS, and others enters the river just upstream from the City of Wyandotte’s drinking water intake, raising concerns about water safety. Despite consent agreements and various action plans, the manufacturer has not effectively addressed the problem. Stay tuned to Freshwater Future news to stay up to date on this issue including opportunities to speak out.
Jill Is Walking, Paddling, and Rolling 250 miles for Clean Water! Will You Support Jill’s challenge?
We need your help because everyone deserves safe, clean water resources from source to tap. You can make a big difference today by donating to Freshwater Future’s Walk Paddle and Roll Challenge! Through September, Freshwater Future’s Board and Staff are taking on activities around the Great Lakes Region to raise $8,000. The heart of our effort lies with our Executive Director, Jill Ryan. She’s committed to walking, paddling, and biking 250 miles, fueled by her passion to raise both awareness and funds. Please consider a donation, big or small, to support Jill’s challenge and Freshwater Future’s work. Thank you for helping to make a difference! Click HERE to donate now.

Freshwater Future Fall Project Grants + Non-Profit Bookkeeping Basics Webinars!
Looking for funds to support your advocacy efforts to protect or improve drinking water and freshwater in the Great Lakes Region? The deadline for Freshwater Future’s Fall Project Grants is September 30th. If your community-based organization’s advocacy efforts focus on protecting or improving drinking water, rivers, lakes, wetlands, shorelines, or groundwater in the Great Lakes region you may be eligible for these grant funds. This week our staff recorded a webinar that overviews our project grants and addresses your questions – watch it here!
This week’s Water Watchers and Wellness focused on Bookkeeping Basics! Freshwater Future’s executive director Jill Ryan discussed the importance of accounting software for reporting and record keeping and answers questions on this vital topic for non-profit organizations. Check out the recording here!
New York governor blocks discharge of radioactive water into Hudson River from closed nuclear plant
New York’s Governor signed a law preventing the release of 1.3 million gallons of water with traces of radioactive tritium from the retired Indian Point nuclear plant into the Hudson River. The law was prompted by widespread advocacy of local communities along the river around the potential negative impact on recreation and real estate values as well as safety and environmental concerns. Freshwater Future will keep you up to date as this story develops.
Ontario’s Auditor General calls for Provincial Government to Revisit Opening of Greenbelt Lands to Development
Last fall, the Ontario Provincial Government adopted the More Homes Built Faster Act that removed 7,400 acres of land from Ontario’s Greenbelt with the goal of building 1.5 million homes in the next decade. Adoption of the Act fundamentally changed how environmental planning is done in Ontario and rolled back 70 years of successful science-based watershed protection. On August 9th, Ontario’s Auditor General released a scathing report on the implementation of that Act that identifies a number of potential breaches of ethics including a potentially biased process that will directly benefit a small number of developers. The Auditor General’s key recommendation is that the removal of the lands from the Greenbelt be re-visited. Freshwater Future will continue to advocate against this attack on Ontario’s wetlands, forests and agricultural lands.