Freshwater Future Weekly: May 26, 2023

Freshwater Future Weekly: May 26, 2023

This week: Supreme Court Ruling is a Blow to Clean Water Protections;100-year Joliet Water Diversion Deal Removes Waters from the Great Lakes; Line 5 Update: Resistance in Wisconsin and Michigan; New Toxic Coal Ash Rules Address Legacy Pollution, Some Loopholes Remain

Press Statement from Freshwater Future – Sackett v. EPA : Supreme Court Ruling is a Blow to Clean Water Protections

Press Statement from Freshwater Future – Sackett v. EPA : Supreme Court Ruling is a Blow to Clean Water Protections

Wetlands are critical resources for reducing flooding, filtering pollutants and providing critical areas for fish and wildlife to reproduce.  In our Great Lakes region, this decision jeopardizes billions of dollars spent on restoring our waters and wetlands, puts homeowners at increased risk of flooding, and threatens the multi-billion dollar industries of fishing, wildlife viewing and recreation.