Coalition to Save the Menominee River, Ltd
Amount: $2750
Project Title: Protection of the Menominee River, Part 2
Project Summary: The coalition proposes to use money from this grant to support activities that will educate the public, ensure a healthy river for generations, as well as to support its environmental legal team to challenge plans and permits submitted by the mining company
Just Transition Northwest Indiana
Amount: $3750
Project Title: Protect Lake Michigan
Project Summary: The goal of our project is to enact a complete clean closure (removal) of all toxic coal ash at the Michigan City Generating Station through a petition delivery event and other associated tactics, as the station’s closure plan does not currently require removal of all the ash.
Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Protect Our Plan, Growth Planning Advocacy
Project Summary: Funds will go toward raising awareness about laws that are being violated, and the impacts of growth on water quality, by engaging citizens, municipal Councils, regional Councils, municipal staff and the media. Planned activities involve supporting member group action with public engagement, social media, newsletters and webinars that serve to give people the tools and language they need to act
Sterling Water Stewards
Amount: $4500
Project Title: Developing Fact-Based Strategies for Protecting a Sole-Source Municipal Aquifer
Project Summary: Funds will be used to protect the recharge area of the sole source aquifer supplying drinking water to the Village of Fair Haven and portions of the rural Town of Sterling from a proposed bottling plant that could threaten both supply and quality of public water.
Blue Mountain Watershed Trust Foundation
Amount: $2000
Project Title: Protect Niagara Escarpment & Headwaters of Pretty River
Project Summary: Participate with Party status at the Niagara Escarpment Hearing Office (NEHO) hearing on the proposal by the Township of Clearview to upgrade a summer-only road to a year-round road.
Friends of the Black River Forest
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Saving Rare Lake Michigan Dunes and Wetlands from a Golf Course Development
Project Summary: The Friends of the Black River Forest will use this grant to support their ongoing legal action to save the Lake Michigan shoreline as well as the Black River from a private golf course development.
Michigan Hydro Relicensing Coalition
Amount: $4500
Project Title: Grassroots Citizen Participation at Michigan Hydropower Projects
Project Summary: This project will follow the relicensing of three hydropower projects seeking re-licensing.
Amount: $4500
Project Title: Reverse the Mine Water Permit
Project Summary: In 2021, WaterLegacy’s objective is to secure a Minnesota Court of Appeals ruling reversing the water pollution permit issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in December 2018 for this mine.
Wellington Water Watchers
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Protecting Groundwater & Communities With an Aggregate Moratorium (title was too long in salesforce and got cut off)
Project Summary: Funds will be applied to support a coordinated public awareness campaign to create municipal & provincial pressure for moratorium on new permits to take water for aggregate operations, so current regulations can be reviewed & improved to protect drinking water.
Canadian Environmental Law Foundation
Amount: $22500
Project Title: Lead-Free Drinking Water for All in Ontario
Project Summary: The ultimate goal of the campaign is to seek replacement of all lead service lines in Ontario. To move toward accomplishing this goal, we will seek to increase public awareness, improve consistency in testing and reporting, and remove the cost barrier to lead service line replacement.
Illinois Environmental Council
Amount: $22500
Project Title: Traditional and Digital Communications Training
Project Summary: In order to strengthen our movement throughout the state and amplify our voices, IEC would like to work with Gud Marketing to develop a communications workshop series for our affiliates.
Midwest Environmental Advocates
Amount: $22500
Project Title: PFAS Citizens Call-to-Action: Campaign to Demand Municipal Testing for PFAS
Project Summary: Midwest Environmental Advocates (MEC) proposes to work with partner organizations and engage citizens throughout Wisconsin to demand that local and state regulators take action to address the contamination of our natural resources with per-and polyflouroalkyl substances (PFAS). Due to lack of enforceable standards at the state and federal levels, municipalities throughout the state have been reluctant to test their drinking water systems and wastewater treatment facilities. As a result, the full extent of PFAS contamination remains unknown.
Northeast-Midwest Institute
Amount: $22500
Project Title: Advancing Awareness of the Water Affordability Crisis in the Region (title was too long in salesforce)
Project Summary: The proposed communications work will endeavor to utilize media outreach, social media, and online programs such as policy webinars to disseminate critical policy information on water affordability. The goal will be to reach new audiences with research findings, to develop a database of interested individuals and organizations, and to engage this audience in the new water affordability program.
Amount: $22500
Project Title: Increasing Public Dialogue Around Protecting Pennsylvania’s Lake Erie Watershed
Project Summary: To increase awareness of the threats and continue to build a constituency around addressing these threats. PennFuture plans to establish coordinated social media sites on several platforms as a means of educating a more diverse constituency and allowing those constituents to connect with one another.
We The People of Detroit
Amount: $22500
Project Title: Outreach for Water Affordability
Project Summary: The project will help with public outreach regarding the importance of affordable water in communities across the country. Explicit water affordability plans are necessary to ensure that everyone can participate in the water system through income indexed water rates and prohibitions on shutting water off. This outreach will highlight the perils of not having water and why water must not be shut off.
Citizens for a Safe & Clean Lake Superior
Amount: $5000
Project Title: Expert Witness/Consultant Fund 2021
Project Summary: Funding will help to defray the cost of assembling the necessary team of ecological consultants and scientific experts to advise on the ecological risks and impacts, prepare to submit cogent public comment during future regulatory processes, and to provide timely expert testimony and comment when needed regarding a proposed launch pad on the Lake Superior shore.
Evergreen Community Development Initiative
Amount: $5000
Project Title: Flint Community Lab Training
Project Summary: Evergreen Community Development Initiative is requesting $5,000 to support training of nine Flint students in community outreach, communications, and proper lab techniques.
Lake Erie Waterkeeper
Amount: $3500
Project Title: Tracking Changes in the Sandusky River Watershed with the Use of Technology
Project Summary: This project will study and map/report on a CAFO, and as a result, manure changes in the Sandusky River using a tool created by ELPC that uses satellite and other technology to determine the number of facilities and animals, the amount of manure, and the amount of phosphorus produced in the Sandusky River watershed.
Mining Action Group of the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition
Amount: $5000
Project Title: Mapping Threats to Wetlands and Wild Lands (title was too long in salesforce)
Project Summary: In order to better protect Upper Michigan’s freshwater resources from the threats of metallic mining exploration, we propose to redesign our existing “Mining Threat” maps to create a series of interactive online “story maps” utilizing the Google Earth and Google Maps platform.
The Junction Coalition
Amount: $5000
Project Title: Environmental Justice and the Cost of Water
Project Summary: The Junction Coalition requests funding to continue discussion of a moratorium on residential water shutoffs, to address lead infrastructure in the aging homes, to provide sink filtration apparatus for water used for cooking and drinking, and for providing continued education to residents to build trust and a sense of advocacy for themselves and others.
The Junction Coalition
Amount: $1000
Project Title: General Operating Funds
Project Summary: General Operating Funds from a gift from the Alliance for the Great Lakes
Wellington Water Watchers
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Protecting Our Waterways
Project Summary: The scope of the work entails retaining a lawyer for legal advice, review of documents, and assistance with producing public education materials to stop a proposed deep geological repository for irradiated nuclear fuel bundles.
New Image Lifeskills Academy, Inc
Amount: $500
Project Title: Water Filter and Lead Education at the Don Scott House
Project Summary: Funds will be used to install a water filter and water pitcher with educational materials about flushing and proper filter use, inform about health impacts of lead, work toward obtaining donated filters to distribute, and incorporating lead education into their existing program on healthy eating.
Benton Harbor Water Council
Amount: $5000
Project Title: General Support
Project Summary: The procurement of funds under this grant serve the purpose of assisting the Benton Harbor community Water Council (BHWC) with expenditures related to the water distribution center operation
Benton Harbor Water Council
Amount: $2400
Project Title: Compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule
Project Summary: The Benton Harbor Community Water Council will continue its efforts to work with state regulators and the City to ensure compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule and to provide education regarding leaks in the system and lead pipe changes for community members.
Benton Harbor Water Council
Amount: $6000
Project Title: Funding for Water
Project Summary: Funds will be used to purchase and distribute water for Benton Harbor residents
Broadway Coalition
Amount: $500
Project Title: Using Artificial Intelligence to Reduce Lead Exposure
Project Summary: The goal of the project is to accelerate the removal of lead service lines from the Toledo drinking water system and to develop and implement a public campaign for residents in Broadway Coalition to minimize their lead exposure as the city replaces lead service lines.
Canadian Freshwater Alliance
Amount: $40000
Project Title: General Operating Grant
Project Summary: These funds will be used to alleviate the pressure faced by this organization in the context of the pandemic and the undertaking of a new director.
Dungytreei Heritage Foundation
Amount: $500
Project Title: Drinking Water for Jackson
Project Summary: Lead testing in Blackman Township, Michigan revealed concerns with the City of Jackson’s water. Funding will be used to deliver samples, postage, and technology to connect with other communities working on lead in water issues.
Dungytreei Heritage Foundation
Amount: $567
Project Title: Testing Homes in Jackson, MI
Project Summary: Funds will be sent directly to Brighton Analytical to pay actual expenses for testing homes in Jackson, Michigan for lead.
Evergreen Community Development Initiative
Amount: $5000
Project Title: Flint Development Center Communications Hire
Project Summary: Flint Development Center will hire a staff person to lead the Flint Community Lab day to day operations.
Flint Development Center
Amount: $1517.99
Project Title: T-Shirts, Totes and More
Project Summary: By creating t-shirts for our youth volunteers, a united front will be on display that signifies to the community that these are the people that can be trusted with water quality concerns. The magnets will go home with visitors and clients for future reference
Junction Creek Stewardship Committee
Amount: $500
Project Title: Stream Monitoring to Inform Watershed Management Decisions (Title was too long in salesforce, got cut off)
Project Summary: Funds will be used to carry out the stream monitoring project, such as replacing materials and supplies, staff training and skill development, and related mileage expenses.
Michigan Coalition Against Tar Sands (MCATS)
Amount: $255
Project Title: Artful Activism Over Labor Day Weekend
Project Summary: Funds will be used to purchase supplies to engage people in the discussions on Line 5.
Nearby Nature Milwaukee
Amount: $500
Project Title: Nearby Nature Database Project
Project Summary: Nearby Nature Milwaukee plans to develop a database of environmental organizations and individuals in the community so that members of the community can easily find support.
The Junction Coalition
Amount: $1531.14
Project Title: Affordability Assessment Program
Project Summary: Junction Coalition will work with the Toledo Water Council to help community members understand the affordability assessment and eventual affordability program to ensure community members are able to take advantage of the outcomes. This will continue to activate local people power in decision-making and assist in municipal engagement.
We The People of Detroit
Amount: $25000
Project Title: Consultant Fees
Project Summary: We the People of Detroit will use funds to complete a cost analysis for implementing affordability programs in Michigan Cities. The grant increase will be used to help pay the consultants fees to accomplish this work.
We The People of Detroit
Amount: $4000
Project Title: Funding for Water
Project Summary: We the People of Detroit requests funds to purchase and have delivered water resources for Michigan communities.
Coalition to Save the Menominee River, Ltd
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Protection of the Menominee River Through Social Media
Project Summary: The Coalition proposes to grow its base of followers, volunteers and financial supporters by expanding its connections and building a broader database using technology and social media.
Benton Harbor Water Council
Amount: $12500
Project Title: Identify Lead Lines and Inform Benton Harbor Residents
Project Summary: This grant will permit Benton Harbor Community Water Council a wider reach throughout the city by having a system to track the city’s progress and relay messages to the community.
Chicago Community Water Council
Amount: $14000
Project Title: Let’s Get The Word Out About Chicago’s Water Affordability Plan!
Project Summary: With this grant, they will be able to extend their reach in Chicago, create a database to keep families informed about water programs and issues, document their successes, and be an example to the city on how to get the word out.
Evergreen Community Development Initiative
Amount: $14000
Project Title: Youth in Action Cohort
Project Summary: This project is focused on training youth and community members of the Flint Water Lab so they have the necessary skills to communicate with local, state, and regional residents in need of water quality testing.
Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation
Amount: $14000
Project Title: Organizational Technology and Communications Integration and Upgrade
Project Summary: Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation’s database is in several formats and needs integration to better communicate with their members and the public.
PFAS Alliance
Amount: $14000
Project Title: Empowering & Educating PFAS Impacted Communities (title was too long in salesforce)
Project Summary: The PFAS Alliance is seeking support to expand their web presence by providing easily understood technical and regulatory information and a forum for impacted communities to network, build capacity, ask questions and share ideas. The enhanced web site will provide stakeholders with links to relevant health and site information, assistance to tell their stories, organize a data repository, develop a social media presence, and support the facilitation of citizen efforts to reach out and regularly meet with regulatory and legislative representatives
Project NEED Foundation
Amount: $12500
Project Title: Identify Lead Lines for Replacement and Inform Benton Harbor Residents
Project Summary: Working alongside the Benton Harbor Community Water Council assisting their neighbors in staying up to date on what the city is doing with lead pipes. The use of this technology will augment Project Need’s efficiency while building a closer relationship to the community
Toledo Community Water Council
Amount: $14000
Project Title: Building Community Capacity Beyond the Digital Divide
Project Summary: The goal of this program is to create an efficient system of working with community members of a multi-generational, predominantly black neighborhood to ensure that the information goes out around water affordability, lead line replacement, and water quality. Oftentimes there is a gap in access to information and technology in such communities, creating a simple database and easy-to-use tools for communications allows grassroots communities to bridge these gaps and build capacity.
Water is Life
Amount: $14000
Project Title: Developing a Permanent Online Platform for the Water is Life Festival
Project Summary: The Water is Life Festival is an annual event that celebrates our connection to the water and builds power through community so we can work towards living in a holistic way with the water and protect it from those who seek to exploit or endanger it. We are in the process of forming a nonprofit organization and our goal is to offer educational events throughout the year that bring people together both virtually and in-person to celebrate our waters and to share solutions to protect our resources, many that are being implemented by indigenous peoples.
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