Save the River (Upper St. Lawrence Riverkeeper)
Amount: $1500
Project Title: The stroke of two pens begins restoration of 64,000 acres of wetlands
Project Description: Save the River / Upper St. Lawrence Riverkeeper will push for approval and implementation of the International Joint Commission?s Plan 2014 by the U.S. and Canadian governments. This agreement provides a modern water levels management plan that puts ecosystem health on equal footing with shipping, hydropower production and flood protection.
Religious Coalition for the Great Lakes
Amount: $2500
Project Title: Protecting the Great Lakes Region from Fracking Impacts
Project Description: The coalition will host an in-person meeting of members from around the Great Lakes. They will learn the various parts of the fracking cycle, discuss alternative energy sources, and conservation regarding possible strategies for influencing decision makers so that they can make the changes necessary to convert to a more sustainable energy system. Members will then apply what they?ve learned in their home congregations around the basin.
Pointes Protection Association
Amount: $2500
Project Title: Protecting an Important and Rare Lake Superior Wetland
Project Description: Pointe Louise Wetland on the Upper St. Mary?s River in lower Whitefish Bay has been proposed for development, which would destroy the wetland and its functions. The group has been participating as a part in Ontario Municipal Board proceedings, and will continue as a party in an appeal to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
Izaak Walton League-Indiana Division
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Indian Dunes State Park Preservation Project
Project Description: The Indiana Division of the Izaak Walton League of America will develop an analysis of a lease and related documents regarding a development company that proposes construction of a convention center on the Indiana Dunes shoreline. The convention center could have negative impacts on the Indiana Dunes shoreline.
Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association
Amount: $3500
Project Title: Seneca Lake Watershed: Citizen Stream Monitoring
Project Description: Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association will add a fifth stream to their Community Stream and Seneca Lake monitoring program. They hope to identify sources of nutrients in the streams that are responsible for algae blooms in the lake. From there, they will conduct outreach and seek solutions to the problems identified.
Native American Educational Technologies, Inc.
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Addressing Mines, Swines and Pipelines
Project Description: Native American Educational Technologies will provide live broadcast coverage of events, hearings, meetings and rallies in order to help tribes and their local units of government utilize their tribal rights to protect and defend their waters. In particular, coverage will focus on potential mining activities in the Bad River Watershed, Confined Animal Feeding Operations near the Lake Superior shoreline and oil pipelines running in or near water resources.
Farms not Factories
Amount: $2500
Project Title: Fostering Citizen Engagement to Protect the Chequamegon Bay and Lake Superior from CAFOs
Project Description: Farms Not Factories will work to replicate their success in Bayfield County through citizen engagement and education through the formation of a Large Scale Livestock Study Committee. They will expand into Ashland County by holding a series of information sessions, community organizing events, recruit Ashland County businesses to join the Chequamegon Bay Downstream Business Coalition, and develop/produce materials tailored to the unique mix of rural/agricultural and urban/college student (Northland College is located in Ashland) nature of Ashland’s residents.
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Protect Wetlands from PolyMet Mine
Project Description: WaterLegacy’s Protect Wetlands from PolyMet Mine project will focus on harm to wetlands and request an analysis by the Army Corps of Engineers.
Anishinaabe Niijii – Protect the Earth
Amount: $2500
Project Title: Helping Great Lakes Tribal Governments learn about Pipelines in Chippewa Treaty Territory
Project Description: Freshwater Future funds will be used to provide expert information to help Chippewa tribal governing legal councils better understand the problems with oil, frack, and tar sands pipelines that currently cross or are planned to cross their treaty rights, protected reservation wetlands and waters.
Highway J Citizens Group
Amount: $1600
Project Title: Grassroots Initiative to Stop an Environmentally-Destructive Road Expansion Project in Wisconsin
Project Description: Highway J Citizens Group will use funds to continue their efforts to stop wetland destruction from the proposed Wisconsin Department of Transportation?s Highway 164 four lane expansion in Washington and Waukesha Counties. In addition, they will continue their efforts to obtain a complete clean-up of the worsening groundwater contamination problems in the Ackerville area that are being caused by two nearby leaking landfills.
Lake Michigan League of Women Voters
Amount: $500
Project Title: Collaboratively Promoting Watershed Stewardship by Improving our Information Base
Project Description: Consistent with the Strategic Plan that Freshwater Future helped develop last year, the League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region (LWVLMR) committed to hold 100 local watershed meetings by 2020 (honoring the 100th Anniversary of the national League?s founding). This grant will train and build capacity of League and non-League volunteers on how to research and gather data from agencies and partners to fit a general information fact sheet format that can be effectively used for continued work in each watershed’
Water You Fighting For
Amount: $500
Project Title: Water You Fighting For helping Flint
Project Description: Water You Fighting For will use the funds to help with expenses related to ensuring the residents in the Flint area have access to basic necessities related to water. Funds will allow Water You Fighting for in these efforts to rent a truck to distribute a shipment of 35,000 camp showers.
American Friends of Canadian Land Trusts
Amount: $2272.70
Project Title:
Project Description: American Friends will use the payment received under this contract to: ? Promote and enable education and implementation of land conservation practices that increase understanding of the necessity of preserving, protecting, restoring and remediating the aquatic environment of the Great Lakes basin. ? Improve the effectiveness of Canadian registered charities by providing expertise on land conservation practices that impact water resources. ? Educate and mentor Canadian registered charities engaged in conservation of land and water in the Great Lakes basin. ? Increase the capacity of charities to communicate effectively with landowners about mechanisms for protecting their ecologically significant properties thereby avoiding development that would harm aquatic ecosystems ? Identify specific properties that are a priority for conservation ? Build a network of tax and legal experts who will help advance conservation action ? Communicate directly with owners of priority conservation properties ? Develop and improve conservation methods and tools
Storehouse of Hope emergency Food Pantry
Amount: $400
Project Title: Solar Neighbors: Taking Charge of Your Power ? Improving energy and water quality
Project Description: Funds under this grant are for expenses assocaited sith the event “Solar Neighbors: Taking Charge of Your Power” with the goal of highliting and encourgaing grasroots work to improve energy and water quality over thepast six years through simple solutions to community needs.
Save the Wild UP
Amount: $1500
Project Title: Save the Wild UP Mining Permit Review
Project Description: Save the Wild U.P. will work to help complete a technical review of a sulfide min permit that is 37,000 pages long and the review shall be make available to Freshwater Future any any other interested environmental or conservation groups.
National Wildlife Federation
Amount: $5000
Project Title: Flint Fly-in
Project Description: Funds under this grants are designated for costs associated with the Flint Fly-in event.
Blacks in Green
Amount: $500
Project Title: Placemaking in Historic West Woodlawn
Project Description: Blacks in Green with sponsor a kickoff event “Placemaking in Historic West Woodlawn” hihlighting the gardens in the area for their heritage and legacy, as well as future forward thinking on green infrasturcte, cirtical to sustainablity.
Friends of the Jordan River Watershed
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Insight Services with Friends of the Jordan River Watershed
Project Description: Friends of the Jordan River Watershed will work with Freshwater Future do develop board succession planning, fundraising planning and train with advocacy tools.
Couchiching Conservancy
Amount: $1875
Project Title:
Project Description: Couchiching Conservancy will work with Freshwater Future to develop a plan for increasing retention and engagement of their volunteers.
Clean Wisconsin
Amount: $2000
Project Title: 30th Street Corridor Meeting
Project Description: Freshwater Future will work with Clean Wisconsin to prepare and facilitate a meeting with stakeholders working on green infrastructure in Milwaukee.
Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust Conservancy
Amount: $700
Project Title: Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust Conservancy 2016 Insight Work Completion
Project Description: Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust will work with Freshwater Future to develop a fundraising plan.
A Few Friends for the Environment
Amount: $3000
Project Title: A Few Friends for the Environment and World Insight Grant
Project Description: AFFEW will work with Freshwater Future to build awareness and strength of their organization to create communication pieces and develop a fundraising plan.
Religious Coalition for the Great Lakes
Amount: $900
Project Title: Religious Coalition for the Great Lakes Meeting
Project Description: Religious Coalition for the Great Lakes will work with Freshwater Future to present information at their October 26, 2016 meeting about fracking related actives in the Great Lakes as well as lead a mini training related to strategic advocacy campaign development for the coalition.
The Greening of Detroit
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Greening of Detroit 2016 Insight Grant
Project Description: The Greening of Detroit will work with Freshwater Future to assist with developing a shared narrative for the Greening of Detroit’s primary programs that will provide ea foundation for communications and fundraising.
Freshwater Future
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Communication Workshop: How do you get people to care?
Project Description: Freshwater Future staff presented a webinar, free or charge to organizations within their network. Insight award covers coordination, preparation and presentation of webinar to 33 individuals.
Blacks in Green
Amount: $4000
Project Title: Blacks in Green Develop a Shared Narrative for Communications and Fundraising
Project Description: Freshwater Future will with with Blacks in Green to review their existing Illinois 1023 form and draft language for federal tax exempt status filing. Additionally, they will identify fiscal policies, assist with developing an organizational budget, provide training for board to understand fiscal responsibilities and policies and develop a fundraising plan.
Iron County Watershed Coalition
Amount: $2250
Project Title: Iron County Watershed Coalition 2016 Insight Grant
Project Description: Work with Freshwater Future to provide assistance with organizational development. This work includes a work and program assessment, SWOT analysis and creation of a group focus for future work.
American Friends of Canadian Land Trusts
Amount: $3000
Project Title:
Project Description: American Friends of Canadian Land Trusts will work with Freshwater Future to contract with Freswhater Future staff to provide assistance planning and facilitating a board retreat, as well as additional organizational planning assistance.
West Grand Boulevard Collaborative
Amount: $3000
Project Title:
Project Description: Work with Freshwater Future includes development of consensus around draft organizational goals, including the three primary program areas of Conservation, Education and Research, that achieve the optimal valance among programs in order to move toward achieving the mission.
National Wildlife Federation
Amount: $1000
Project Title: NWF HOW Conference Sponsor
Project Description: This grant allows the Great Lakes Network to be a sponsor of the Healing Our Waters conference in September 2016.
Save the River (Upper St. Lawrence Riverkeeper)
Amount: $5000
Project Title: Let the River Run Wilder; with the stroke of two pens
Project Description: Save the River will push for approval and implementation of the International Joint Commission’s Plan 2014 by the U.S. and Canadian governments. This agreement provides a modem water levels management plan that puts ecosystem health on equal footing with shipping, hydropower production and flood protection.
Green Communities Foundation
Amount: $2648
Project Title: Improving landscape-based water management in Ontario?s Great Lakes basin.
Project Description: Green Communities Foundation will push for changes to Ontario’s land use framework to reduce non-point source pollution and improve the way water is managed on the Ontario landscape. They will do this by working with Anastasia Lintner to prepare submissions for the Co-ordinated Land Use Planning Review and the proposed runoff volume reduction targets (Through the Low Impact Development Guidance document). They will also lead an engagement strategy to build support for the briefings through means such as communication materials, targeted outreach to key stakeholders and follow up meetings with government officials.
Friends of the St. Clair River Watershed
Amount: $7500
Project Title: Restoring Gallagher Creek within the Clinton River AOC: Data Collection and Pre-Assessment for Project Development
Project Description: Habitat and aquatic communities in the Clinton River watershed have been degraded by rapid development and surrounding land-use practices, resulting in the watershed being an ‘Area of Concern’. Included in this, is one of the few remaining cold-water designated trout stream systems left in Southeast Michigan, Paint Creek. Native Brook trout historically have been observed in one key tributary to Paint Creek, Gallagher Creek, until recent years. In efforts with the MDNR and local stakeholders, CRWC seeks to collect baseline data to assist with project development, design, and acquiring future GLRI funding to ultimately restore this rare and valuable resource.
Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper
Amount: $7500
Project Title: Coordinating Partnerships for Scajaquada Creek Restoration
Project Description: Scajaquada Creek is an urban waterway which is highly impaired by land-use development and industrial pollution, as well as being listed as a source area of contaminant to the federally-designated Niagara River “Area of Concern (AOC).” Drawing upon experience in implementing a successful model for restoration of the Buffalo River, another federally designated AOC, and building off of current GLRI project at 1660 Niagara St in Buffalo, NY, Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper will build organizational and community capacity to secure future GLRI funds, as well as work directly with DEC, USACE and EPA to guide the development of regional restoration priorities that result in elevation of the Niagara River AOC as a priority, as well as advance the timeline for restoration of the Scajaquada Creek sub-basin.
White Lake Environmental Network
Amount: $15000
Project Title: Scientific Data Collection and White River Coastal Marsh Restoration Preliminary Design
Project Description: Funds from HOW will allow WLEN, and specifically its partner, the Muskegon Conservation District (MCD), to acquire the needed information to apply for a federal restoration grant. MCD will need to provide the grantor with a chemical analysis of what is on the site, what is coming into and out the site via the White River, and a topographical map showing the needed changes related to the conceptual design for the 104-acre wetland site, as well as showing invasive species control that will allow for successful native plantings in the future.
Great Lakes National Audubon Society
Amount: $15000
Project Title: Building capacity for watershed conservation across the Great Lakes Basin
Project Description: Audubon will develop a Great Lakes conservation map to prioritize critical watersheds for restoration within the Great Lakes Basin. This project lays the foundation for Audubon?s Great Lakes Conservation Initiative, and the tool will empower Audubon?s expansive network of staff, chapters, members, and nature centers to develop, implement, and sustain Great Lakes Restoration Initiative restoration projects at strategically prioritized sites. HOW funding will be used to develop the Lake Michigan basin portion of this tool to prioritize projects for GLRI proposal development in the Lake Michigan basin.
Trout Unlimited
Amount: $14740
Project Title: Restoring Connectivity in Northwest Michigan Rivers
Project Description: Trout Unlimited, Inc. (TU) and partners seek to restore aquatic organism passage (AOP) and stream function by replacing inadequate road/stream crossings in Northwestern Michigan (i.e., within and hydrologically connected to the Huron-Manistee National Forest, Manistee district). Trout Unlimited will collect data and information on priority road/streams crossings to help develop restoration plans and culvert replacement designs to improve habitat for trout and other coldwater communities. Funding from HOW will directly support a larger federal project proposal to restore priority coldwater habitat in Northwest Michigan Rivers.
Clinton River Watershed Council
Amount: $10000
Project Title: Restoring Gallagher Creek within the Clinton River AOC: Data Collection and Pre-Assessment for Project Development
Project Description: Habitat and aquatic communities in the Clinton River watershed have been degraded by rapid development and surrounding land-use practices, resulting in the watershed being an “Area of Concern”. Included in this, is one of the few remaining cold-water designated trout stream systems left in Southeast Michigan, Paint Creek. Native Brook trout historically have been observed in one key tributary to Paint Creek, Gallagher Creek, until recent years. In efforts with the MDNR and local stakeholders, CRWC seeks to collect baseline data to assist with project development, design, and acquiring future GLRI funding to ultimately restore this rate and valuable resource.
Kalamazoo River Sturgeon for Tomorrow
Amount: $15000
Project Title: Development of sturgeon habitat enhancement project on the Kalamazoo River
Project Description: Restoration activities are targeted for an area known as the “high banks” to limit erosion and enhancement the habitat for sturgeon spawning in an area, which population were larger, was suitable. HOW funding will be used to hire contractor to help with development and writing a project proposal, and a team facilitator for the habitat restoration project. The HOW grant is to leverage a larger grant and provide funds to facilitate and manage the project.
Friends of the Detroit River
Amount: $5000
Project Title: Proposal for GLRI Funding Assistance in the Detroit River AOC – 2016
Project Description: FDR is focused on habitat restoration work in the Detroit River to improve the health of fish and wildlife populations and enhance their habitat. Then targeted projects are in various stages of development. Necessary actions to move these projects forward include stakeholder collaboration and plan development. One project, Lake Okonoka Restoration, which previously received grant writing funds from HOW, is “shovel ready” and needs implementation funding. Secondly, the Detroit Upper Riverfront Parks Restoration project is ready for design and engineering. A HOW grant will fund FDR labor and expenses associated with preparing GLRI grant applications to move one or both of these projects forward.
Garden Homes Neighborhood Association
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Garden Home Residents Listening Sessions and Meeting
Project Description: Garden Homes Neighborhood Association, Inc. will conduct listening session with residents in the Garden Homes neighborhood to document opinions regarding assets, weaknesses, needs, and concerns. Garden Homes Neighborhood Association will also assist with local logistics to plan a meeting to engage residents in planning based on the results of the interviews.
Neighbors Building Brightmoor
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Help Yourself Community Garden Water Supply
Project Description: Neighbors Building Brightmoor will construct a rainwater catchment system and drip irrigation to extend the Help Yourself Community Garden that is open to anyone to grow, harvest, snack and learn. The water harvesting system will be used to irrigate the garden and show our neighbors how they can do the same while reducing stormwater runoff.
Detroit Eastside Community Collaborative
Amount: $1000
Project Title: The Gratiot Triangle Bus Stop Project: A Greenway Friendly Bus Stop
Project Description: This project will redevelop the bus stop by using green infrastructure elements to mitigate storm water runoff and to keep the area dry and comfortable for passengers.
Northend Christian CDC
Amount: $1600
Project Title: Rain Water Catchment Systems
Project Description: Northend Christian CDC will build two different types of rain water catchment systems to demonstrate to the community how efficient and easy it is to catch and harvest rain water.
Stahelin Street Tigers Block Club
Amount: $1600
Project Title: Stahelin Street Sustainability Project
Project Description: Stahelin Street Tigers Block Club will host a workshop for the neighborhood to promote sustainability for residents. The workshop will highlight ways to address stormwater and lower water bills through the use of rain barrels and rain gardens, and water conservation. With a fun, inviting atmosphere the workshop will include learning sessions, give aways (rain barrels, native plants,), promote rain garden programs offered by partner groups, and sign-ups for help disconnecting downspouts. This workshop builds on our previous work to install rain barrels and rain gardens and disconnected downspouts to reduce the impacts of stormwater runoff and help increase affordability of water for residents in the neighborhood.
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