Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership, Inc.
Amount: $1500
Project Title: Restore the Shore: Restoration of Lake Michigan Coastal Habitats
Project Description: The project will work with partners on restoration and invasive species control in beach, coastal wetland, forested shoreline, and riparian habitats along the shore of Lake Michigan.
Native American Educational Technologies, Inc.
Amount: $3500
Project Title: Protect Lake Superior Watershed
Project Description: Native American Educational Technologies will use our treaty rights and local units of county and township governments to organize permanent community rights solutions and focus our cameras and attention on decision makers locally, regionally and statewide.
Great Lakes Community Conservation Corps.
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Protecting All Beachgoers
Project Description: This project will conduct weekly water quality sampling at accessible, informal beach areas along the coastline in Racine County where beachgoers and recreational users are swimming. It will communicate the monitoring results and usage of the beaches to the surrounding residential community by mailings, signage and social media to yield awareness of water conditions and hazards to users at these sites and institutionalize the long-term monitoring of these informal beaches.
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Report on Gas Drilling in the Antrim Formation
Project Description: Report on Gas Drilling in the Antrim Formation
Pointes Protection Association
Amount: $3500
Project Title: Lake Superior Coastal Wetland Protection
Project Description: The Pointes Protection Association will participate in the appeal of a decision by the Ontario Municipal Board. The group will work to defend the protection of an important and rare Lake Superior coastal wetland.
Farms not Factories
Amount: $3500
Project Title: Impacts of CAFOS in Western Lake Superior
Project Description: In Fall 2014, the first proposed swine Concentrated Animal Feed Operation (CAFO) in the Lake Superior basin was proposed in Bayfield County, Wisconsin. The pig factory, with 26,000 hogs and an estimated 6.8 million gallons of manure a year, is proposed in a water-rich watershed that empties into a recreational bay of Lake Superior 8 miles downstream. The project will develop simple outreach tools to take messages about human health and environmental impacts to wider audiences in the region, especially to small-scale farmers, visitors, the general public in Bayfield and Ashland counties.
Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association
Amount: $3500
Project Title: Keuka Outlet: Citizen Stream Monitoring
Project Description: This community project will add the Keuka Outlet, an 8 mile long stream that starts at the outlet of Keuka Lake and empties into Seneca Lake, to the Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association streams that they monitor through their Community Stream and Seneca Lake monitoring program. SLPWA is adding this stream to their stream monitoring program to investigate the increasing number of complaints about algae and smells near the mouth of the stream. Their goal with this funding is to identify the source and advocate for correction.
Committee to Preserve Finger Lakes
Amount: $2500
Project Title: Keuka Outlet: Citizen Ash Landfill Assessment
Project Description: The Committee to Preserve Finger Lakes will use funding to provide laboratory testing for metals in stream monitoring locations above and below a coal ash landfill discharge into the Keuka Outlet, a stream that empties into Seneca Lake. This location is near an inactive coal burning power plant that the State is considering an application to reopen. This will provide baseline information to understand contamination, if any from the plant.
Amount: $2000
Project Title: Coalition to Solarize Chautauqua County
Project Description: Funding from Freshwater Future will be used to build a local campaign to minimize the use of polluting coal and natural gas as an energy source from the local power company. CROP Plus aims to educate community members about pollution to our waters from fracking related activities and waste associated with natural gas extraction and the burning of coal. Through this education CROP Plus will facilitate citizen participation in the use of solar opportunities in communities serviced by the local power company. Funds will be used on materials for an outreach campaign.
Glencoe Community Foundation
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Promoting public access to Lake Michigan
Project Description: The Glencoe Community Foundation will bring together experts on the Public Trust doctrine of Illinois to answer questions about beach access to promote the beaches of Illinois on Lake Michigan.
Save Our Sky Blue Waters
Amount: $2100
Project Title: Administrative Challenge to the PolyMet USF Land Exchange Decision
Project Description: Save Our Sky Blue Waters will help cover legal/technical help regarding the USFS land exchange that is needed in order for PolyMet to open pit mine on what is now part of Superior National Forest.
Bad River Watershed Association
Amount: $2500
Project Title: Laying the Foundations for National Wild & Scenic River Designation
Project Description: The Bad River Watershed Association has an ultimate goal of having the Bad River and its larger tributaries designated as Nation Wild & Scenic Rivers. Funding will cover researching the federal protections associated with this designation, as well as how, and if, this designation has protected rivers from development activities, like mining. Where vulnerabilities would still exist, solutions will be identified.
Tides Canada Initiative Society
Amount: $3400
Project Title: Building public engagement for Lake Erie Alive
Project Description: Funding from Freshwater Future will help Canadian Freshwater Alliance, a project of Tides Canada to help build an engaged Lake Erie consituencey, and support efforts toward collective impact and coordinatied action to address the long-term health of Lake Erie.
Amount: $2500
Project Title: Protect Downstream Waters & Tribal Resources from Sulfide Mining
Project Description: WaterLegacy will use funds to protect Lake Superior Basin waters and downstream tribes from pollution that would result from the PolyMet project, Minnesota?s first proposed sulfide mine. They willl work with experts to complete the first-ever scientific application of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidelines on specific conductivity to protect Northeastern Minnesota aquatic habitats threatened by sulfide mining and with an international expert to analyze PolyMet?s impacts on methylmercury, which bioaccumulates in fish and is toxic to the developing brains of fetuses, infants and children.
Flint River Corridor Alliance
Amount: $1500
Project Title: Gaining Public Support for the Flint River Restoration Plan and Chevy Commons
Project Description: Funding will help support the Flint River Corridor Alliance to update the Flint Riverfront Restoration Plan. Through community and civic involvement, their goals are to build momentum and create education on restoration projects so that the city of Flint understands its water resources and continues to improve it. Effort will be placed on creating an understanding that the Flint River is not toxic like their drinking water.
Smallville Sustainable Community Farms
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Learning About Rain Catcher
Project Description: Learning About Rain Catcher
Detroit Eastside Community Collaborative
Amount: $1000
Project Title: The Gratiot Triangle Bus Stop Project: A Greenway Friendly Bus Stop
Project Description: This project will redevelop the bus stop by using green infrastructure elements to mitigate storm water runoff and to keep the area dry and comfortable for passengers.
Pure Detroit Community Association
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Urban Rainwater Conservation: Aquaculture and Farming
Project Description: Pure Detroit Community Association will install rain barrels to reduce runoff and to use the water for farming and develop a plan for future use of the water for aquaponics.
Neighborhood Building Urban Gardens
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Neighborhood BUG Rain Wall Catchment System
Project Description: Neighborhood BUG will install a rain wall catchment system to reduce rain runoff at their Monica Street community house on the west side of Detroit, that will provide water for their vegetable gardens and indoor growing facility that includes hydroponics and aquaponics.
Northwest Brightmoor Renaissance
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Water Catchment System Implementation for Community Food Secruity
Project Description: Northwest Brightmoor Renaissance will install a water catchment system to reduce flood waters in their neighborhood and utilize the water to grow food at their community gardens, orchard and market garden.
Voices for Earth Justice
Amount: $1800
Project Title: Ulster Street Garden Rain Garden and Water Catchment System
Project Description: Voices for Earth Justice will build a large rain garden and water catchment system at the Ulster Street Garden in north Brightmoor to demonstrate and promote rain gardens as a way to address stormwater problems and adapt to climate change.
North Rosedale Park Civic Association
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Using Green Infrastructure in North Rosedale Park to Decrease Stormwater Runoff/Drainage
Project Description: As part of a broader green initiative for the Grandmont-Rosedale Development Corporation?s five neighborhood area, we will develop bioswales in areas of poor street drainage in North Rosedale Park to decrease run off to our storm drains. This helps local residents by addressing standing water and flooding and the Rouge River Watershed by decreasing stress on city?s aging sewage system. This project will help decrease the risk of excessive storm drainage causing combined sewage overflows and release of raw and partially treated sewage into the Detroit and Rouge Rivers, which negatively impact the Rouge Watershed and the Great Lakes Basin.
Neighbors Building Brightmoor
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Brightmoor grassroots storm water abatement
Project Description: Funding will be applied to planning and implementation of sustainable, holistic, multi-functional storm water abatement systems in Brightmoor to address flooding and combined sewage overflow into the Rouge River.
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Amount: $15000
Project Title: Wetlands Habitat Restoration Along Lake Michigan and Lake Erie
Project Description: Over the next six months, DU will select additional tracts of land for conservation to address this issue. Project design work will then take place to enhance and protect wetlands. After plans are set, one NAWCA grant will be submitted for conservation work in Wisconsin and research will be conducted on which government grants might be a good fit for our conservation work in the Western Lake Erie region.
The Greening of Detroit
Amount: $15000
Project Title: The Detroit Green Corridor Initiative
Project Description: Work directly with communities, grantees, and consultants to collect baseline/reference data and assist with design restoration project and goals. Funding will be used to aid the community with the necessary and otherwise unfunded pre-assessment for two of these projects through a robust data collection and project monitoring plan.
Friends of the Detroit River
Amount: $9101
Project Title: Advancement toward Habitat Restoration GLRI Grants on Celeron and Belle Isle
Project Description: Friends of the Detroit River is focused on habitat restoration work in the Detroit River in an effort to improve the health of fish and wildlife populations and increase/enhance areas of wildlife habitat. Ten targeted projects are in various stages of development and require differing strategies to be moved forward. Necessary actions include further research, stakeholder collaboration and plan development. One project is “shovel ready” and simply needs funding. A HOW grant will fund FDR labor and expenses associated with determining the next project to move forward with GLRI funding and to prepare a GLRI grant application based on this determination.
Grand Rapids Whitewater
Amount: $15000
Project Title: Grand River Revitalization—Enhanced Habitat
Project Description: The Grand River Revitalization project will transform the urbanized reach of the Grand River through Grand Rapids, Michigan, from a uniform channel with several low-head dams, into a river more closely resembling the dynamic ecosystem it once was. This project has been in the planning stages for over six years, and is now at a point where funding is needed to complete final designs and construction drawings. This funding will be used to address the most challenging aspect of the design, which is an adjustable barrier that will prevent sea lamprey from migrating upstream.
Minnesota Environmental Partnership
Amount: $10000
Project Title: Duluthians supporting St. Louis River restoration
Project Description: Hold a stakeholders forum in Duluth about the St. Louis River AOC. The purpose of this forum is to gather input on the restoration process in a way that will be most useful to agency and elected decision makers as they develop projects and funding requests.
Based in part on the stakeholders forum, produce a high quality educational booklet overviewing the opportunities and benefits of the restoration project.
Promote the AOC project in a full page of MEP?s Briefing Book.
Offer an education event for candidates for Duluth city office, soon after the July filing deadline.
Prepare an op-ed for publication in the Duluth News-Tribune.
Western Reserve Land Conservancy
Amount: $15000
Project Title: Snyder Ditch Stream and Wetland Restoration Plan, Grand River Watershed, Ohio
Project Description: The Project will restore ditched streams and disturbed wetlands to improve water quality
in Rock Creek while improving fish, amphibian, wildlife, and waterfowl habitat within
the 1 ,300-acre preserve. The Project has the potential to be one ofthe largest stream and
wetland restoration project in Ohio. The HOW funds will be used by the Land
Conservancy to produce a restoration master plan and write one federal grant proposal.
Huron Pines
Amount: $15000
Project Title: Au Gres Watershed: Engaging Communities, Reducing Pollution, Restoring Streams and Beaches
Project Description: Coordinate with landowners, road commissions, resource agencies and other partners to complete high-impact restoration projects throughout the Au Gres River Watershed. Additionally, develop funding proposals for GLRI and other federal sources.
Center for Environmental Initiatives
Amount: $14899
Project Title: Upper Genesee River Bank Stabilization Plan
Project Description: A monitoring and modeling study conducted by SUNY Brockport (2013) identifies streambank erosion and the presence of agricultural lands without riparian buffers as causes of increased sediment and phosphorus loading in the Genesee River. This project will create a river bank stabilization/restoration plan for a portion of the Upper Genesee River near Houghton, New York. It will identify the segments of the river that need restoration, define feasible restoration options, and the order in which they should be done. This plan and the projects defined will be used as a basis for responses to funding opportunities this year and the next several years.
Clinton River Watershed Council
Amount: $10000
Project Title: Restoring the Clinton River AOC: Data Collection and Pre-Assessment for Project Development
Project Description: Work directly with communities, grantees, and consultants to collect baseline/reference data and assist with design restoration project and goals. Funding will be used to aid the community with the necessary and otherwise unfunded pre-assessment for two of these projects through a robust data collection and project monitoring plan.
Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust Conservancy
Amount: $1350
Project Title: 2015 Insight Grant CONTRACT ? Fundraising Plan
Project Description: Scope of Work
Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust Conservancy has been awarded Insight Servies for 15 hours of consulting with Freshwater Future for the work outlined in the Scope of Work, dated July 2, 2015. In summary, the tasks to be completed are as follows:
Minnesota Chapter of the Wildlife Society
Amount: $412.5
Project Title: Minnesota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Strategic Planning
Project Description: Minnesota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Strategic Planning
American Friends of Canadian Land Trusts
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Board Retreat Facilitation and Fundraising Assistance
Project Description: Board Retreat Facilitation and Fundraising Assistance
Brule River Preservation
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Organization and Fundraising Planning
Project Description: Organization and Fundraising Planning
Central Algoma Freshwater Coalition
Amount: $1600
Project Title: Central Algoma Freshwater Coalition Fundraising Workshop Facilitation
Project Description: Central Workshop Planning and Fundraising Assistance
Great Lakes Environmental Alliance
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Organizational Planning
Project Description: Organizational Planning
Ohio Chapter Sierra Club
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Strategic Planning and Fundraising Planning
Project Description: Strategic Planning and Fundraising Planning
Watersheds Canada
Amount: $900
Project Title: Coaching with Staff at Centre for Sustainable Watersheds
Project Description: Coaching with Staff at Centre for Sustainable Watersheds
Kensington Conservancy
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Completion of Executive Review and Board Training
Project Description: Completion of Executive Review and Board Training
Farms not Factories
Amount: $1575
Project Title: Strategy Planning
Project Description: Strategy Planning
Lake Michigan League of Women Voters
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Strategic Planning
Project Description: Strategic Planning
Michigan Lake & Stream Associations, Inc.
Amount: $2250
Project Title: Insight Services to create a Communication Strategy
Project Description: Insight Services to create a Communication Strategy
Amount: $1500
Project Title: Organizational Direction Coaching
Project Description: Organizational Direction Coaching
Grand Rapids Whitewater
Amount: $4000
Project Title: Fundraising Assistance and Communication and Media Strategy
Project Description: Fundraising Assistance and Communication and Media Strategy
Lone Pine Marsh Sanctuary
Amount: $1000
Project Title: Strategic Planning
Project Description: Strategic Planning
Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve
Amount: $2025
Project Title: Fundraising Appeals and Strategies for Project Fundraising
Project Description: Fundraising Appeals and Strategies for Project Fundraising
Our Air Our Water Our Rights
Amount: $3000
Project Title: Campaign Planning and Online Communications Assessment
Project Description: Campaign Planning and Online Communications Assessment
Kalamazoo Nature Center
Amount: $1125
Project Title: Meeting Facilitation for Kalamazoo Climate Change Coalition
Project Description: Meeting Facilitation for Kalamazoo Climate Change Coalition
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